‘Study Abroad’ CategoryPage 2

A whirlwind three weeks

It’s hard to believe that I’ve been in Edinburgh for three weeks already. There are moments when I feel like I’ve been here forever. I’ve been slowly exploring the city, which is absolutely amazing. Everything from the incredible architecture to the cobblestone streets and the blend of modernity with history is new and exciting for […]


I am officially and completely done with my academic responsibilities at the University of Edinburgh. Friday afternoon, after finishing my final exam, I rushed over to get a falafel in celebration of my accomplishments. I can’t believe how quickly time flew!! About an hour after finishing my falafel, I rushed over to the church for […]

One down, two to go. That’s about all I can say regarding school at this moment, as I am too excited about spring to worry about anything else! Last week I spent a large portion of my time with books open on the second floor of the Starbuck’s on the Royal Mile. I tried to […]

Isle of Skye

My trip to the Isle of Skye was filled with beautiful weather, an energetic tour guide, and a few hundred pictures! Even though I was still recovering from my spring break trip, I thoroughly enjoyed every second of our travels through northern Scotland, including one of the most picturesque islands in the world. On Friday […]

Is it just me, or is it hot in here?

No, it really IS 109 degrees F. Sigh. There are ice cream men that roam the neighborhoods, calling “Ice CREAM” and slamming their frigerated cart tops for emphasis. I myself go for the Big T (short for Big Treat) cone, with chocolate and crunchy toffee on top. It’s one of the few things that can […]

Three week vacation

After three weeks of walking, buses, airplanes, trains, ferries, small boats, and more walking through Greece and Italy, I successfully made it back to my flat in Edinburgh! I honestly didn’t think that I would be looking forward to returning to the fish & chip shops, the uneven cobblestone, the odd looking 20pence coins, and […]

Becky’s guide to Benares finances

(Rs. short for rupees, the Indian currency; currently at around 43 to the dollar.) 120 Rs. — a dinner at one of the nicest restaurants in Varanasi, including a banana yogurt drink, fruit salad, and tuna fish pasta ” — also for a pedicure, which takes about a half hour and includes scrubbing, foot massage, […]

Holi Moley!

Happy Easter! Yesterday, it was Happy Holi! I holed up in our program house due to rumors of terrorising that goes on during this holiday, starting on Friday. Friday evening, a gang of young boys, some with drums and others with flaming sticks, knocked on gates down the road, demanding money. It’s like evil trick-or-treating. […]

St. Patrick’s Day

A trip to the Edinburgh Playhouse last week left me covered in smiles after seeing Chicago (the musical). Sitting in a packed house, we watched as a famous Scottish singer played one of the lead roles. Although he had a beautiful voice, I had to laugh as his thick Scottish accent broke through his attempt […]

Lucknow, heat, and morale

Last weekend our group took a trip to Lucknow, capital of the UP. To help give you understand what that was like, let me supply this analogy: Varanasi is to Lucknow, as St. Peter is to Mankato. Yeeeeee ha!!! Lucknow is a step up from Varanasi, with streets that resemble Delhi’s (wide, lots more cars […]