Catching up Posted on October 31st, 2006 by

When we last left our intrepid hero, he was bewailing the image of Gustavus. Now the nice thing about cold winds is that everyone bundles up and pretty really becomes secondary to warmth (at least it should be).

As for me, I feel like I’m in a Sisyphian cycle. Whenever I accomplish one thing, another looms in front of me. I took the GRE last Monday and did well enough on it…but now I have to buckle down on the applications for graduate school (which might be worse!). Cross-country’s Conference race was Saturday and, well, I blew up like I always do on that course. I still have one race left in my collegiate career on Friday…but then that’s over for good and THAT really bums me out. This team is like a family to me and once I’m done with it, life will change in a drastic way. But then the spectre of diving will loom large. Technically practice has been going since the beginning of October but it’s been secondary to running. Not for long, I guess.

It’s just a continuous cycle, always going. And going. And going. It’s hard not to feel a sense of ennui.


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